понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


Additionally, the sha1 method in the Encrypt Library has been removed. The new function is both available at all times for you to use and shorter to type. This is no longer possible, and you should read the notes about Session Metadata if your application relies on those values. As already said, this behavior was incidental and was never intended, nor documented. That however makes no sense and you now have to pass only the keys, as the elements of an array. Historically, CodeIgniter has always provided the: Please note that this DOES NOT affect directories, configuration files, views, helpers, hooks and anything else - it is only applied to classes. codeigniter 3.0.3

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Additionally, the sha1 method in the Encrypt Library has been removed. While this might be rather inconvenient, it is a requirement that allows us to have properly implemented cryptographic functions.

codeigniter 3.0.3

A largely unknown rule about XSS cleaning is that it should only be applied to outputas opposed to input data. Otherwise however, please review your usage of the following functions: Important You are strongly encouraged to switch to the new Encryption Library as soon as possible!

Therefore the Email Helper altogether is being deprecated and is codeogniter for removal in CodeIgniter 3. The Session Library has been completely re-written in CodeIgniter 3 and now comes with a bunch of new features, but that also means that there are changes that you should make ….

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Therefore we are now deprecating these drivers as we will have to remove them in one of the next CodeIgniter versions. A simple copy-paste may cause issues. We therefore suggest that you add the following code to your CSS files in order to avoid backwards compatibility with old browsers: There are certainly many developers that have utilized this bug as an actual feature.

Before performing an update you should take your site offline by replacing the index. For example, if you have the following library file: The Encrypt Library is still available for the purpose of keeping backwards compatibility.

Because of this, cdeigniter method is now deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3. A few configuration options have been removed and a few have been added.

Upgrading From a Previous Version — CodeIgniter documentation

It is deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3. They are only aliases for md5 and sha1 respectively and are now deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3. Note If you have any custom developed files in these folders please make copies of them first. If some of you have utilized them, then you can now just access the properties instead:. Auto-detection is never reliable and also has security implications, which is why you should always have it manually configured!

We therefore suggest that you add the following code to your CSS files in order to avoid backwards compatibility with old browsers:. As already explained above, XSS filtering should not be done on input data, but on output instead.

Most notably, the library now uses separate storage drivers instead of always relying on encrypted cookies. As seen in the Change LogSession Library method userdata now allows you to fetch all userdata by simply omitting its parameter:. Here are examples of how to replace its usage:.

CodeIgniter Web Framework

That third parameter has been deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3. If you have any custom developed files in these folders please make copies of them first.

codeigniter 3.0.3

The error messages format has been changed to use named parameters, to allow more flexibility than what sprintf offers:. This is no longer possible, and you should read the notes about Session Metadata if your application relies on those values. Please note that this DOES NOT affect directories, configuration files, views, helpers, hooks and anything else - it is only applied to classes.

It is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

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Many functions in CodeIgniter allow you to use its XSS filtering feature on demand by passing a boolean parameter. Automatically encoding input instead of output data is a bad practice in the first place, and CodeIgniter and PHP itself offer other alternatives to this method anyway. In fact, cookies as storage have now been removed and you must always use some kind of server-side storage engine, with the file-system being the default option.

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